

主演:玛克辛·皮克,拉卡·塔克雷尔,艾莉森·斯戴曼,佐伊·塔珀,苏珊·沃卡曼,克瑞恩·比尤,本·巴特,汤姆·福布斯,凯莉·库克,Amy Leeson,Dominic Vulliamy






游戏规则 剧照 NO.1游戏规则 剧照 NO.2游戏规则 剧照 NO.3游戏规则 剧照 NO.4游戏规则 剧照 NO.5游戏规则 剧照 NO.6游戏规则 剧照 NO.13游戏规则 剧照 NO.14游戏规则 剧照 NO.15游戏规则 剧照 NO.16游戏规则 剧照 NO.17游戏规则 剧照 NO.18游戏规则 剧照 NO.19游戏规则 剧照 NO.20


4集剧《游戏规则 Rules of the Game》由Ruth Fowler执笔,Maxine Peake已加盟剧组。当人力资源总监Maya来到「Fly」时,她试图改变公司的小圈子文化及调查不当行为,不过经理Sam(Maxine Peake饰)对女性的偏见使得Maya受到阻挠。但当某天Sam回到办公室并发现接待处有一具尸体后,Maya这下不止要处理现况,还得找出谋杀背后所隐瞒的秘密。师兄撞鬼开夜车住在我隔壁的甲方速享版少年侯德榜少年间谍第一季无法忍受世界上的另一个我热血神探上将洪学智我的狗子环城七十里舐犊情深深夜食堂第一季多谢先生女高怪谈1:死亡教室群青色大道囚笼神医侠侣欧阳修知滁一世好命粤语辣警狂花1Kesisme:IyiKiVarsinEren驴得水矮仔煞星犯罪女王假日暖洋洋第一季追随双姝奇缘神奇四侠行尸走肉 第九季派遣女公关彩华六度战栗偶像活动Planet 剧场版救世军2013可靠港湾2双重怀孕新成长的烦恼 第二季蓝色梦想:进军温布利灵魂伴侣第一季吸血姐妹同学(国语版)


 1 ) Discovering of the hunting scene in The Rules of the Game

In The Rules of the Game, the hunting scene foreshadows the murder of Andre. The upper-class with their servants committed the murder, and the weaker is the victim, both the rabbits and Andre who doesn’t suit for this world full of lies. Masters and servants regarded the hunting as a game, in which they obtained entertainment. In the same, when Andre was shot dead, the master replaced “murder” with “coincidence”. For these reasons, the scene of hunting plays an extremely vital role in the whole film. Most obviously, it differs from other scenes in terms of visual style.
In most parts of the film, Renoir is a cool narrator, directing with still shots and panning shots. He admitted that he “wanted the audience to have the impression they were seeing a single shot following the people and that there had not been any cutting” . When Octave is guided into Christine’s bedroom, to the living room with Robert, and to the hall with the server , the scenes are mainly quite long and moving in panoramas. No careful close-ups revealing the spirit status of people. Renoir’s camera is just like an observer watching a show from a long distance. Similarly, throughout the last part of the film, the murder, the camera even gets trapped in a corner, where it is forced to watch the action from a fixed position. No intervene to break the long action, no agony when the murder happens. Renoir observed it in a half amused and half anxious way.
However, the hunting scene is an exception. It’s the fastest-pace scene in the film with a lot of cuttings. Initially, it requires fast rhythm when shooting the scene of rabbits running and birds flying. Moreover, the scene constantly cuts between different running rabbits and the hunters, in order to make a tense atmosphere for the rabbits and an enjoyable atmosphere for the hunters. Thus the contrast forms.
Also, it uses much more close-ups than the other scenes. The extremely wonderful close-up is a dying rabbit, even struggling to kick its legs like a kind of dancing. It’s vivid and cruel to represent it with a totally complete and clear close-up as long as 3 seconds, which puts the misery before death directly in front of us, scares us and arouses our sympathy.
The fast cutting and the close tracking of the rabbits imply the hunting scene is no longer Renoir’s calm description from an angle of observer. Actually, we can rarely see any other scenes filled with feelings like this one. Even the murder scene is designed to be as less objective and less striking as possible. But the result turns out to be infectious and impressive, which should owe to the hunting scene, as a metaphor of the murder, attracts more attention than the murder.
The hunt scene tells more about the murder than the murder scene itself. In the hunting, the wealthy masters act as murders, and the servants as accomplices. The servants drive the rabbits and birds to a certain direction for their masters, and the masters enjoy the feast of killing. In terms of the form, this “outdoors” scene has a lot in common with the “inner” world of the mansion.
Just like the rabbits running here and there, Andre, Robert, Christine, Lisette, the gamekeeper Schumacher and the poacher Marceau hide-and-seek in the same way. The hiders want to escape just like the rabbits do, all of them risking their lives with guns pointed to them.
The chateau is holding a big show, at the same time, a chasing show is on display. It’s so ridiculous and ironic a scene that wealthy masters and servants in tidy and noble clothes chased each other like hunters and frightened animals. No wonder the spectators who were watching the show regard it totally as part of the acting. Spectators didn’t take it seriously, just as a game.
Like the chaos during the hunting, inside the mansion there’s a big mess. The relationship among people is complicated, unexpected people joining the chasing game. Some were sad, mad, and some were terrifically delighted, correlated with people’s reaction after the hunting.
The mostly important quality in common between the outside hunting and the inside chasing is that, in essence, it’s the people who get control of weapon control the game. In face of guns, fastest rabbits can only survive due to luck. The gunman is also bound to shoot somebody, who turns out to be Andre, the most innocent one in the bloody game. Why is Schumer, the gamekeeper designed to shoot Andre dead? Because he is the gamekeeper, who puts the game in order and tells people to follow the rules with his gun. The word “gamekeeper” is a kind of metaphor itself. Faced with the coming World War II the society was like a huge hunting game, where who has the weapons controls the game.
Renoir commented on The Rules of the Game that “it’s a film about a group, a film representing a society.” A society that “everything they believed in was collapsing” . “It’s not so difficult to work well when the compass of anxiety points in the true direction.” However, this movie was a resounding flop after releasing because of this true direction revealed in the movie.
The Rules of the Game was made just before the war. Renoir said in making it, he had wanted to make a film in which French society was seen as “dancing on a volcano”. And beneath its seemingly innocuous appearance the story attacks the very structure of society.
Renoir preferred to let actors play in the décor and catch them unawares. The camera established a “narrator” whose stance and gestures express an inhuman indifference to the human figures within its world. The suffering and joys of the inhabitants of that world move us, although the camera frames that world as if it were inhabited by puppets, not people. For example, we never know Christine well although she is the main role. What she thinks? What she wants? Most of the characters are too mysterious to dig out.
The only exception is Andre. At the very beginning sequence, Andre came back as a hero, but burst out truth, unable to conceal his emotions. There are master level, servant level and bottom level (as Marceau), but there’s no level that Andre belongs to, because he is the only honest person in the movie. Robert is tired of love affairs with his mistress. Christine says I love you to three different men since she knew Robert’s betrayal, which are neither true nor totally false. Lisette is the mistress of Octave and she flirts with Marceau. Octave, Andre’s honest friend, wants to occupy Christine by his own. It’s a world full of lies, and survival of the fittest. Octave comments Andre is floating in the air while Robert is on the ground. At last the most honest person is out of game and Andre’s murder is covered with another lie of “incidence”.
The Rules of the Game is a continuous integrity, full of metaphors and poetic rhythms. Among them the hunting scene is worth discovering. It differs from the other scenes with a fast cutting and represents extremely strong emotions. The wealthy masters as well as their servants regard shooting as a game, and replace murder with incidence. The mess both inside and outside of the mansion shows a world of lies, dangerously living on and on.

1. Jean Renoir: Renoir on Renoir, News, Essays and Remarks, Translated by Carol Volk, Cambridge University Press, 1989
2. Andre Bazin: Jean Renoir, Simon and Shuster New York, first published in France in 1971 English translation in 1973
3. Jean Renoir: My life and my Films, William Collins & Sons an Atheneum Publishers Inc
4. Peter Wollen: La Regle du jeu and Modernity, first published in Film Studies, 1,1999. Reprinted in Wollen’s Paris Hollywood: Writings on Film. Verso, 2002
5. William Rothman: The Filmmaker Within the Film: The Role of Octave in the Rules of the Game, Quarterly Review of Film Studies, 7(3), Summer 1982
6. Ginette Vincendeau: The Exception and the Rule, Sight and Sound, vol.2, no.8, December 1992:34
7. Laurence Wylie: La Verite Derriere les Masques, quarterly Review of Film Studies, 7(3), Summer 1982

 2 ) 一个时代的终结。
















 3 ) Un excellent commentaire

Coeurs sensibles, coeurs fidèles,
Qui blâmez l'amour léger,
Cessez vos plaintes cruelles:
Est-ce un crime de changer?
Si l'Amour porte des ailes,
N'est-ce pas pour voltiger?
N'est-ce pas pour voltiger?
N'est-ce pas pour voltiger?
(acte IV, scène 10)

L'aviateur André Jurieux a traversé l'Atlantique en solitaire pour conquérir le cœur de Christine, une femme mariée à un aristocrate parisien. Son exploit semble avoir laissé la dame indifférente. Meurtri, Jurieux tente de se suicider. Son ami Octave le fait inviter chez Christine et son époux pour une partie de chasse en Sologne.

Devenu culte après avoir été maudit (mutilé, censuré...), ce vaudeville aigre a été conçu dans l'atmosphère trouble de l'avant-guerre, à une époque où une partie de la société française ignorait qu'elle dansait sur un volcan. Renoir s'inspire de Beaumarchais et de Musset. Et il dirige ses comédiens, inoubliables, en pensant à la frénésie de la musique baroque, à la verve trépidante de la commedia dell'arte (Dalio en aristo frimeur, Carette en braconnier gouailleur, Paulette Dubost en soubrette, Gaston Modot en garde-chasse crucifié).

Cette comédie-mascarade entre bourgeois et domestiques est doublée de gravité, à l'image de la partie de chasse, macabre prémonition d'un massacre. Renoir le moraliste y développe son thème de prédilection : le monde est un théâtre, la société un spectacle, et chacun a ses raisons de changer de rôle, d'abuser des règles du jeu.

écrit par NAGEL MILLER

Jean Renoir: La règle du jeu - Diane Morel
Editions Bréal, 1998 - 127 頁ègle+du+jeu+-+Diane+Morel&hl=zh-TW&ei=4NH8TZvxBIbmvQPEtfyqAw&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result

 4 ) 美丽的雷若阿





 5 ) 矛盾之下的卓越光影




雷诺阿对电影发展做出的贡献确实是无与伦比的,在某种程度下是他升华了电影作为艺术的格调与品质。他所推崇的深焦摄影,全景与中近景的积极搭配,更长而更全面的镜头,区别于蒙太奇学派,催生了巴赞的长镜头理论。也获得了对电影语言的另一种引导方式,即用镜头去做不加评判的叙述,诱使观众去做积极的思考。而对光影的魅力的发掘,用光的考究,讲求场面调度的效果,则使电影向视觉艺术层面的开拓大幅深入。在《游戏规则》中,无论是庄园舞台中绚烂豪华的表演——尤其是死神的舞蹈一段迷人的对比效果,还是捕猎一段深具自然主义情绪的猎兔景象,或是舞会闹剧中的仿佛默片追逐戏效果的复杂而清晰的镜头运动, 都对之后的电影发展产生了重大的影响。虽然历经种种磨难,《游戏规则》是作为一部完美的电影存在于电影史上的。

 6 ) 解析游戏规则





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7.6 既悲又喜,滑稽荒诞而至批判,混乱之中又有伤感,没有多大感觉却觉得分外流畅,最精彩处莫过于户外狩猎和宴会追逐,似正说明现实主义和古典气派交融的气质。——快结束这场闹剧。——哪一场闹剧?//讲的啥,忘记了。

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