





路西法第五季 剧照 NO.1路西法第五季 剧照 NO.2路西法第五季 剧照 NO.3路西法第五季 剧照 NO.4路西法第五季 剧照 NO.5路西法第五季 剧照 NO.6路西法第五季 剧照 NO.13路西法第五季 剧照 NO.14路西法第五季 剧照 NO.15路西法第五季 剧照 NO.16路西法第五季 剧照 NO.17路西法第五季 剧照 NO.18路西法第五季 剧照 NO.19路西法第五季 剧照 NO.20


 1 ) 'Lucifer' Season 5, About Dan Espinoza剧情介绍

Lucifer's (played by Tom Ellis) ascent to godly status came at a cost. Detective Dan Espinoza (Kevin Alejandro) died in the penultimate episode, and some fans are still not over his shocking death.

In episode 15 of Lucifer season five—titled "Is This Really How It's Going to End!?"—Lucifer fans said goodbye to Detective Espinoza.

Espinoza's journey for the past five seasons has been difficult, to say the least.

He had been grieving the loss of Charlotte Richards (Tricia Helfer) and struggling to come to terms with Lucifer's devil face.

Sadly, Espinoza became the latest victim of Michael, Lucifer's evil twin brother.

Espinoza had been investigating the disappearance of Amenadiel's (DB Woodside) necklace, which was also being pursued by several French mercenaries hired by Michael in order to assemble the Flaming Sword and take down Lucifer.

Espinoza insisted on going alone to visit a potential victim to warn her of the mercenaries in the area, leaving Chloe behind at the LAPD office.

When speaking to the potential victim, Espinoza recognized she was being held hostage in her home and stepped away from the property to call for backup.

However, as he stood on the street, he was kidnapped by one of the men hired by Michael.

Upon being interrogated, Espinoza managed to kill one of the guards and make an escape attempt.

Sadly, Espinoza was shot by one of the men and mortally wounded. He was later found by Chloe (Lauren German) and died in her arms. Espinoza's death was a part of Michael's plan to make Chloe feel guilty for not going with Dan, hoping the guilt would send her to hell when she died. If Chloe went to hell, Michael was certain Lucifer would join her, meaning he could rule as God on Earth. Technically, this was not the first time Espinoza died in Lucifer season five but it was the final time. In Lucifer season five, part two, God made Espinoza explode into pieces after he learned he had technically slept with God's wife, the Goddess. Thankfully Espinoza was pieced back together in a flash by God and lived on, but unfortunately not for very much longer. Speaking to Entertainment Weekly about Espinoza's death, Kevin Alejandro reflected: "Yeah, it did feel right. And it still feels right. Look, we've been given the opportunity to go out how we want to go out, keeping respect for our audience and for the world that has already been created since the beginning. "They've done a really elegant job of continuing to tell the story." Originally season five of Lucifer was intended to be the last ever season and Espinoza's death, alongside Lucifer's ascent to God status, would be the show's ending. However, Netflix reversed its decision to cancel Lucifer, bringing the show back for a sixth and final series. Despite his character's death, Kevin Alejandro will return for the sixth and final series of Lucifer. How exactly he will return is unknown for now but thankfully fans will seeing a lot more of Dan than they originally thought. There is the possibility Dan will return in flashback scenes or better, Lucifer, who is now God, may be able to bring him back to Earth from hell. Alejandro teased to Entertainment Weekly Dan will be returning "not the way people expect." He added: "Season five was Dan's [ending], really. That's a journey. And like I said, he is back in some capacity, not the way you expect it, but he's there. He's part of the world." (转自Newsweek)

 2 ) Lilith Adam Eve Cain Abel


Satan. The Devil.


A female demon of Jewish folklore, who tries to kill newborn children. In the Talmud she is the first wife of Adam, dispossessed by Eve.


(In the biblical and Koranic traditions) The first man. According to the Book of Genesis, Adam was created by God as the progenitor of the human race and lived with Eve in the Garden of Eden.


(In the Bible ) The first woman, companion of Adam and mother of Cain and Abel.


(In the Bible ) The eldest son of Adam and Eve and murderer of his brother Abel.

raise Cain - create trouble.


(In the Bible ) The second son of Adam and Eve, murdered by his brother Cain.

 3 ) 评论

剧情还是以往一样 在推理的侦探情节上 坏人比柯南黑衣人还急着出来跳反。 核心人物们抱怨着各种first world problems 第一世界人生疑惑 我的命运是被安排好的我好无力 父母童年的亏欠 自己活在兄弟姐妹父母亲人的阴影之下 Lucifer和主角们save the day 重点当然是男女主经过六年终于牵手成功

 4 ) 上帝路西法

上帝走之前说的是你们自己决定,所以一众神氏就默认大家来选,兄弟俩就各自去拉票,最后迈克用火焰剑胁迫众神,而路西法的动机则是爱,他不仅为爱而战,并且愿意为爱而死, 最重要的是,在他获得重生之后,没有痛下杀手杀死兄弟,而是觉的所有人都有第二次机会,不论是迈克,还是他自己,第一季的时候心理医生曾经劝导路西法,你父亲做的一切,其实都不是惩罚,而是一种考验,或者说,这是一种想要成为上帝,必须经历的。。。培训。。。路西法通过漫长的地狱煎熬,依旧保持着自己最初的骄傲,拥有最美丽的翅膀,坚持不说谎,渴望爱与被爱,并在最后的时刻,为了真爱牺牲自己,留下的最后一句话是我爱你。。。这便是他生命最后一刻交出的答卷,他最终学会了爱和慈悲,这才是上帝必须具备的品格,所以当具备爱与慈悲之心的路西法手持火焰剑出现在众神面前平息了神位之争的时候,他所有的兄弟姐妹们心中也都有了一个唯一的,不争的答案,他便是新的god~

 5 ) 路西法第五季 插曲合集

上一季做了个歌单 链接 //movie.douban.com/review/10165960/
这季刷完刚准备开始找歌...发现大佬频道已经更了 那我就搬运一下
不过大佬频道没有标注时间点之类的 我把时间点也补上 发出来
大佬的油管频道: SoundTrack Series 大家喜欢就去点点关注
主页链接 //www.youtube.com/c/SoundTrackSeries/featured



00:21 Deorro x Hektor Mass - Shake That Bottle

04:33 With Me - Edit by Uplinkl & Reece Lemonius

18:49 No Limits - Royal Deluxe

21:23 All Wet - Bosco Rogers

30:07 Meet in the Middle - Mr. Irrelevant

33:47 Higher - BHAVIOR

46:24 Champions - Fire Choir

47:51 Happy Together - King Princess & Mark Ronson


00:23 Atomise - Temples

21:20 Are U Ready? - Robert Edwards

22:50 Warrior - Las Palmas

33:11 Feels so Good - Freja Nyberg

37:03 When I Get My Hands On You - The New Basement Tapes

52:05 On the Run - Timecop1983

54:12 Darkside - Oshins (ft. Hael)


02:16 System of the Clown - Martin Tillman & William V. Malpede

02:31 Are You Ready - Kat Meoz

09:25 We Are Legends - Valley of Wolves

20:20 Don't Let Me Down - Stella and the Storm

27:39 So What (Tim Hox Remix) - Jay Pryor

46:20 Bandung Hum - Black Rebel Motorcycle Club


02:20 The Hurry Up - The Heath and His Orchestra

49:14 This Is Ours - Peter Sivo Band


00:22 Candy - Iggy Pop

08:09 Personal Jesus - Depeche Mode

17:03 Glorious - Louis II

36:18 Paradise - Anderson Rocio

52:54 This Year's Love - Jasmine Thompson


00:57 The Realness Lucifer Mix - Pexxa

52:30 Tether Me - Galleaux


12:39 Are You Ready - Grand Mystic

23:30 Electric Lady - Wine Lips

32:35 Bad - Royal Deluxe

35:55 Round And Round - Cannons

53:07 Inside - Chris Avantgarde (ft. Red Rosamond)


00:22 The End of the World - Sharon Van Etten

可能有的朋友无法访问或找不到歌曲 打包了一份歌单内的歌曲

链接: //pan.baidu.com/s/1FUOyOjv70jncbqISwI10aQ 提取码: ryan

这几条曲目肯定是不完整的 欢迎评论区做补全

 6 ) 等了整整五季!




  • 哦豁
  • 力荐

啊 这个狗屎上帝老爹最后耍什么帅…旁观着老婆被关疯,乌列嗝屁,大儿子三天两头信仰焦虑,双胞胎相互摧残,还放了该隐一个永生的杀人犯全世界跑……本来上帝不出现还有很多想像的空间的,这一出场感觉他就是他们神族家庭的祸害……而迈克刚出场还挺甜挺潇洒的,尤其是那种骗人精和初恋感的反差萌简直了,可怎么后来就变成嚼舌根又控制狂的羊毛衫老干部了呢……最后为洛佩茨小姐挽尊,恋爱运不佳…还有吐槽麦子的立场也过于自由反复了…还有虽然以上blabla…但我还是想看路西法和克洛伊的相声日常,虽然有时看他俩甜言蜜语真的大胖子坐胸口,但是这对cp的电波意外的对上了啊下半部整个像番外的感觉,主线依旧稀烂,如果主线剧本有逻辑,那他们一家人真的太病态了,以及这套体制道德和经济抢都很有问题

  • 1002
  • 推荐

求求了,能不能带渣康玩。既然路西法可以跑到那边去联动,能不能把渣康带过来客串客串。😂半季终。好家伙。||终于看完了,唉,没什么评价,只能说计谋的部分确实可以,这绕来绕去的,plan plan plan。但是最后的天使恶魔械斗,我,无话可说。我已经想象到下一季是什么上帝路西法开始纠结自己当上帝的目的,方针,路线......||对了,9-16这个剧本,怎么说,很乱,像是为了一个主线胡乱缠上别的线条,到处都是不搭配的毛刺。

  • 牧三洵
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  • Yarvey
  • 还行


  • zilaten
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  • 干性溺水
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  • Lanno
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i m just trying to stop GI Jane here to pull a Nietzsche.hhhhhhhhh

  • isaasi
  • 推荐

这剧太绝了,不正经魔幻,不正经探案,不正经爱情,乱七八糟地胡讲一通,让你还觉得有点儿道理,有点儿搞笑,有点儿心动,最后欲罢不能~ 希望五季后半部赶紧出!!

  • 逯然
  • 力荐


  • 总之还是要积德
  • 较差

这上半季也太好看了8 第四集的老电影形式太有新意了

  • 吉川智子
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  • 环游是无趣
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  • 柏木有枝
  • 力荐

我的个上帝呐 快过了一年终于等到下半季并且看完了 下一季就是最终季了 追那么多年还是蛮舍不得的2021.6.22上半部分看完了 下半部分又要等好久噢2020.9.1

  • 蝙蝠老爺
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  • 洛汗骑士kenway
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  • Mr.N
  • 力荐

路西法总有种魔力 剧情再烂都看得下去

  • 偏科天才
  • 力荐


  • 不够朋克
  • 推荐

binge完B趴,Eve果然回归了,主创们已经彻底放飞oh my me。// 迅速刷完A趴。这套剧太魔性了,狗血的剧情,可爱的人设,制作团队时不时放飞自我,Tom的薪酬和工作量翻了倍,Linda鸡汤从自我觉醒讲到了relationship,Maze真好看啊,Ella不就是磕cp的观众么。上半部歌单一般,希望下半部能给点力。Charlotte也回来客串了,可以期待一下Eve小姐姐再出现么。

  • 万万
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  • Enrika
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